Precision instruments, metrology, fluorescence, low-noise analog electronics – that’s what we do.

Lens Testing – Our Precision MTF Test Jig
Recently we designed and built a precision motion stage capable of focus adjustments to about 0.5um.

Low Noise x1000 Amplifier
Here’s the specs: Voltage noise 2.5nV/√Hz, Gain 1000, bandwidth 0.3Hz to 500kHz.

Frequency Compensated Attenuator Tests Amplifiers
We’re working on a low-noise amplifier product, and to test it we need some attenuation, to generate clean low-level signals. The pdf shows a schematic and describes some test results.

Prototype, Progress, And The First Digital Camera
We make prototypes. Sometimes it’s hard to imagine how a product will evolve from the first (clumsy?) prototype into a sleek product, once it gets ‘real’ and becomes a manufactured (perfected?) item.
Low Noise, Low Drift Techniques
This presentation has a set of clear, well thought out images describing how chopper techniques can reduce 1/f noise, reduce drift, and even how to cancel the nasty charge injection of FET switches.

Microscope Objectives – NA, Cost, And Parabolas
We were looking at various microscope objectives – those lenses on the turrets that aim toward the slides.
SPIE Photonics West 2010
We’ll be teaching a ‘short course’ at the Photonics West 2010 show this January.
Radiometry Explained by NIST
The measurement of light is complicated by a variety of units and concepts that are not used in other fields.
Quantization Noise
We notice the assertion that A/D converter quantization noise is equal to ADU/SQRT(12), where ADU is the quantization unit or LSB.

Light Uniformity Testing
For both a clinical test microscope, and a home theater HDTV projection display, the light from the source must be quite uniform.

Custom Front Panels
Here’s a vendor we recommend, and a photo of some parts they made for us.